Saturday, December 25, 2010

Sweet.Petite.Treats Behind-The-Scenes: A Merry Baking Christmas!

In the past few weeks leading up to today I have been sooooo busy with baking, baking & more baking!

It all started with firstly a trip to Melbourne to attend a large family gathering in celebration of Mr Petite's grandmother's 87th birthday & whilst there was amongst the frenzy of Oprah's appearance at Federation Square which happened to be on the same day as my visit to a cupcake shop where the journey of it's owner from selling her cupcakes at the markets to now having her own shop front has been so inspiration to me that this visit was a must on my Melbourne To-Do list (but more on that in a later post)....

Christmas giftboxes of assorted macarons the epic baking & deliveries of macarons which have led me to some interesting people & places with Kylie Kwong at Billy Kwong's Surry Hills being one of them (but more on that in a later post)...

Ordered by an employer as a Christmas sweet treat for all her staff at the office
(what a wonderful gift!)

...catching up with Brother Petite which I have not seen in at least 5 years returning from Hong Kong for a quick visit... 

 Christmas giftboxes ordered by a Team Leader
for her team members at work
Later was informed the macarons were also shared with their clients
at their store on Christmas Eve

...& somewhere in between while waiting for macaron batter to dry & shells to bake I stumbled into the addictive world of Words With Friends.

Now a little time for me...

What kind of a Christmas would this be without my very own red & green macarons?

Red Strawberry Chocolate macarons & Green Peppermint Chocolate macarons

I wanted to once again construct a Christmas Tree macaron tower (you can read about my first attempt here) & this time with filled macarons but in the days leading up to Christmas I discovered my containers once full of these festive treats were slowly depleting as they became our gifts to family, friends & close neighbours.

Green macaron shells filled with  peppermint milk chocolate ganache &
Strawberry flavoured macaron shells filled with milk chocolate ganache

So with inadequate quantities to fill a tower, the rest were made into the bags of three macarons we have been giving as gifts to others & now will be given to those who we may come across & acquaint with on this festive day.

Red Strawberry Chocolate, Salted Caramel & Green Peppermint Chocolate macarons assembled in cellophane bags (loving the addition of the Salted Caramel
brown hue amongst the festive colours)
A festive ribbon was then used to tie the macaron giftbags
To finish off stickers or gift tags were added

And to whom you may ask will this macaron giftbag be given to?

To You!
From All of Us at Sweet.Petite.Treats
have a wonderful day.

Wishing you, your family & friends
a very Merry Sweet Christmas!!!


  1. your macarons look amazing! merry xmas dude!

  2. I love the packaging of the macs in the first picture! I hope you had a very merry christmas!
